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Mohammed Ragheb Karim


The Holy Qur’an used the method of emotional stimulation as an educational method, and addressed the human conscience with it. In general discourse needs effects and stimuli that motivate the recipients and develop their motivation at times or deterrents at other times. As well as hope and highlighting features of beauty and goodness, or areas of badness, anger, threat, intimidation and disgust, by addressing man’s emotions in order to create an emotion that prompts the recipient to act or leave the action. Since this method and approach was included in most of the Qur’anic discourse, the researcher decided to dedicate the study to the verses that talked about migration of the Prophet's (peace be upon him) authority to his followers and their assistance to him, and the Holy Qur’an urged them to do so. about the honorable prophetic migration. So the present study includes an introduction, two chapters, and a conclusion. In the first section: the researcher explained the meaning of the concepts of excitement, emotion, and migration linguistically and idiomatically, and the characteristics of the emotional excitement method. The second section included the Prophet's migration was discussed through seven verses, and the study was completed with a conclusion in which the researcher highlighted the key findings of this study.


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How to Cite
Ragheb Karim, M. (2023). Emotional Excitement in the Verses of the Honorable Prophetic Migration. Bilad Alrafidain Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 5(1), 28–35.