Organizational Immunity and Its Role in Reducing Sports Crises in Sports Clubs in Diyala Governorate
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It is clear from Table (5), the frequency, percentage, and statistical significances of the phrases of the first axis (dimensions of organizational immunity within sports clubs) that the agreement rate of the basic research sample ranged between (32.50% to 98.33%), and in the order of the phrases as shown in the table. As for the first dimension (organizational learning), the statements numbers (1/1, 1/6, 1/7, 1/8) received an agreement rate that ranged between (69.58%: 82.50%) in the direction of (yes), which indicates Organizational learning is represented by (the club has experienced workers. The workers take into account the economy of time, effort and costs when completing tasks. The club encourages the transfer of knowledge and the exchange of experiences among the workers. The club creates virtual crises and trains employees to overcome them. Statement No. (1/2) received an approval rate of (32.50%) in the direction of (no), which indicates that the club adopts modern and advanced training systems. It is clear from Table (6), the frequency, percentage, and statistical significances of the phrases of the second axis (types of crises and administrative procedures to reduce sports crises in sports clubs) that the approval rate of the basic research sample ranged between (23.33% to 100%).