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Mohammed Haqi Khaleel Al-Azzawi


Under exigent circumstances, for instance, the COVID-19 pandemic, the study adopts a blended learning approach as a safe transitional strategy from traditional learning to online learning. It takes into account the temporal, spatial, and infrastructural conditions, relying on a qualified educational staff who is able to implement an influential and effective learning method-the blended learning. The strategy neither believes in radical solutions nor voices the two options (traditional and online methods). Its philosophy lies in such a compromise which, in return, brings together both methods. It believes that blended learning, during the pandemic, is the best solution which provides a perfect environment where the interaction between the teacher and the student can be achieved. Yet this cannot be fulfilled unless following what has been concluded by the study.


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How to Cite
Haqi Khaleel Al-Azzawi, M. (2025). Blended Learning: As A Transitional Strategy from Traditional Learning into Online Learning . Bilad Alrafidain Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 7(1), 1–11.