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Muwaffaq Asaad Mohammed AI- Anbake


The research paper is entitled (The Contradictions of both Sufyan’s with Muslims - A Comparative Study). This research paper tries to state and make a comparison between two unbelievers (polytheists) poets who set up antagonism to Islam till Mecca became under the control of Muslims. These two poets can be called as Abu Sufyan (they resemble Abu Sufyan). All the evidences and proofs that we have found through this research paper indicate that their satirizing poetry towards Muslims was lost and very less than what we have known and heard through the history.
A scientific comparison has been done between contradictions of unbelievers in poetry and the contradictions of Muslim poets which includes three things: First in terms of the form and artistic structure of those contradiction, secondly the artistic level. And at the third level, the comparison of ideas. The point of view has been given and justified for each part of these comparisons.


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How to Cite
Asaad Mohammed AI- Anbake م. (2024). The Contradictions of both Sufyan’s with Muslims. Bilad Alrafidain Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 6(1), 96–107.