Islamic Perspective of Homosexuality and Ways to Confront it

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Abd-Alrazaaq Lateef Jassem


Homosexuality is one of the most dangerous forms of sexual deviation, condemned by all divine laws, with Islam warning against it and citing the story of the people of Lot in the Quran as a consequence of their indulgence in homosexuality. However, for more than two decades, the United Nations and some Western regimes have been trying to legalize homosexuality, falsely claiming that deviation is a human right protected by international human rights law. They advocate for countries to amend their national laws to permit homosexuality and to tolerate homosexuals, even if it contradicts the beliefs and religions of those nations. Despite the severe physical and psychological damage caused by practicing this deviation, including the infamous acquired immunodeficiency syndrome [AIDS] with no current cure, which has claimed the lives of millions of people, along with other sexually transmitted infections such as syphilis, herpes, and recently the highly contagious monkeypox. All these diseases are a result of sexual deviation. In addition to the tremendous human losses, there are enormous economic losses represented by the expenses and costs of treatment. Strangely, Western countries, instead of confronting sexual deviation and punishing deviants to protect both them and society from harm, support and defend them, even legalizing their marriages. A peculiar note is their recommendation for the use of contraceptives, which has been definitively proven not to prevent infection.


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How to Cite
Islamic Perspective of Homosexuality and Ways to Confront it. (2024). Bilad Alrafidain Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 6(1), 13-27.

How to Cite

Islamic Perspective of Homosexuality and Ways to Confront it. (2024). Bilad Alrafidain Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 6(1), 13-27.